在歐美及東京,像POP-UP Store這類期間限定的臨時概念性商店早已行之有年,它總在無預期之間介入消費者的生活,無論是出現在空置的店面或公共空間,它的出現總在眾人之間製造的大量話題及驚嘆;這樣的行銷手法,也引起了流行雜誌,甚至Time Magazine時代雜誌、The Economist經濟學人的廣泛討論。日本知名服裝品牌Comme des Garçons的創辦人兼設計師川久保玲又將它稱為Guerrilla Store(游擊商店),於2004年初,CDG在東柏林的老舊大樓開始了短期經營的複合式商店,接著在巴塞隆納與新加坡,或是盧布爾雅那、雷克雅維克和雅典等世界各地城市設立,都是以經營一年為限。透過屋內原有的空間規劃出耳目一新的商品擺設,將商店裝潢節省到極致,採用簡約風格、簡單的用色以將焦點放在所販售的商品當中;並且,僅限以海報或口耳相傳的方式宣傳,間接降低了行銷預算,讓所有前往的消費者都能在一個輕鬆簡單的環境當中,以平易近人的價格挑選這些新鮮限量販售的商品。
有趣的是,POP-UP Store的概念及行銷手法至今演化出了愈來愈多元化的模式:除了2007年在紐約出現為期10天的臨時餐廳《Pop Up Supper Club and Café》,改裝舊Hard Rock Café餐廳成為融合lounge bar、私人派對空間和咖啡廳的複合式空間,甚至可以享用到由Michel Richard、Will Goldfard、Cat Cora、Govind Armstrong等名廚設計的三明治、湯品、沙拉等輕食簡餐。此外,少女雜誌Teen Vogue從上星期起到9月初,在紐約開設《Teen Vogue Haute Spot》臨時店鋪,女孩們可以到這補補妝、聽聽樂團表演或是時尚諮詢或模特兒公司試鏡的活動。
《Pop Up Supper Club and Café》
《Teen Vogue Haute Spot》
其中,我一看見就恨不得可以當下sign up的,絕對是這間位於倫敦的第一間POP-UP旅店《The Jacques Townhouse》,好Marie Antoinette式的裝潢風格,尤其是那些粉嫩色彩的Pom Poms,啊…少女如我都想在電腦前尖叫了。可惜的是如同所有POP-UP概念的空間,《The Jacques Townhouse》僅開放兩個星期,每天也只開放兩個時段,曇花一現的美好哪。
既然是旅店,當然少不了Reception desk接待處。
最令我迷戀的是這些Pom Poms
Fortune Teller's tent,《The Jacques Townhouse》
The Forest of Dreams,
我最喜歡的是這家旅店提供了許多骨董洋裝、飾品,甚至是專業攝影師為女孩們拍照,這也難怪前來參觀的媒體們說走進《The Jacques Townhouse》讓人有種重返童年的時空錯覺了。
與其說《The Jacques Townhouse》是一家旅店,他更像一個Gallery或是派對空間,透過藝術家將廢棄的空間活化再利用,因為臨時性而更天馬行空;注入了概念性,也讓我們對於生活空間有更多美的意識、更多美好想像。
Black Man Hidden From Full Sight in Black Shirt says, "How about ever since I was 18, I didn't know how not to have more than one girlfriend?"
Boy in Purple Shirt says, "[inaudible to me--someone else fill in, please] If you have a girlfriend, right, and you like her, but there's another girl, and you don't want to break her heart? You go out with her..."
Woman with Big Sunglasses says, "I like to eat cereal, in my bedroom, alone, in my underwear." Laughs, then continues, "So there you go."
Boy in Light Blue Shirt says, "My secret is that I hate peanut butter and jelly."
Early-30 Year Old With Long Hair Says, "I used to fantasize about being a secret agent sometimes."
Boy in White Shirt says, "I hate birds."
Early-30 Year Old With Long Hair continues in background, "Having like 17 passports and a stash of cash somewhere? And what would I do, where would I go, you know?"
Boy in White Shirt continues, "I think because I hate when they fly, and I can't fly."
Early-30 Year Old With Long Hair continues, "Maybe because of a lack of excitement in my life. Maybe..."
Woman With Gold Chain-Link Necklace says, "The secret that I--I'm afraid to go back into my hometown."
Man with Suspenders and Gray Shirt says, "Last October, I broke my computer, and I told everyone that I spilled coffee on it, but I actually peed on it in the middle of the night."
Tall Man with Hairy Chest continues, "Well, I've been telling people that I have a real job, when I moved out, so they wouldn't think I was pathetic." Heavy Man with Thick Glasses says, "Um, I--The first time I ever jerked off was to a LaToya Jackson video."
Man with Curly Hair and White Shirt says, "Oh, awkward."
Heavy Man with Thick Glasses continues, "Uh, hey, you're only 12 once, you know."
Cute Man with Big Rectangular Glasses says, with a French accent, "My secret is that I slept with a man."
Black Man with Glasses says, smirking, "I plan on breaking up a couple in another country for my own personal gain."
Man with Glasses Attached to Shirt says, "Really, true story."
Woman with Pearl Earrings says, "I transferred schools for an ex-boyfriend, and I told everyone that I didn't. Now you know. Ah, that's so weird. I just said it."
Woman with Glasses and Long Hair says, "I'm a lot better before you really know me."
Woman in Couple says, "Hey, dig in there deep." Man in Couple with Beard says, "Aye, you know, uh, your cat that disappeared? I ran it over." Woman in Couple says, "Hmm, let's see. You know, like, you know all those books that I have that I don't let you read?" Man in Couple with Beard says, "Yeah." Woman in Couple continues, "It's just all these love poems I wrote about you."
Man with Black Hair and Stubble says, "Uh, my-my grandmother. Well, I didn't get to be with her when she died, so..."
Boy with Braces says, "I believe sex [death] is a beautiful thing -- a beautiful part of life."
Woman in Yellow/Black Plaid Shirt says, "Um, I don't mind being honest about this." Laughs. Continues, "My best friend's dad died of cancer recently. He was really meaningful to me. We grew up together. He pretty much raised me, and when he was going to the hospital for his last--his last, like, goodbye, basically--uhh, I remember, there was a lot of people that were waiting for him. He asked--he'd only have two people in the room--and he specifically asked for me to be there. And that really changed my life."
Girl in Red Plaid Shirt says, "Yeah, like, seriously, that I act like an idiot because, I don't know... Because I have a void in my heart." Laughs.
在最新一期的idn雜誌中,特別以「Yes, Designers Can Save the Planet 設計救地球」為專題,匯集22位環保設計師並介紹他們是如何將環保概念力行在每天的設計工作當中。以下是幾個在不同領域然後我自己覺得很有趣的設計,和大家分享。
PostCarden / Product 產品
《PostCarden》是A Studio For Design工作室創作的賀卡系列,目前共有《Allotment》、《Botanical》、《City》和《Football》四款不同設計,每一款卡片的場景設計皆配有一幅由年輕藝術家所挑選的插畫作品。只需要打開賀卡為你的花園搭建場景,放在桌面或窗台上,適時澆點水,《PostCarden》便能為你長成一座私人花園。
由De Designpolitie設計,旨在促進環境保護的一系列郵票作品。這個平面設計公司由Richard van der Laken與Pepjin Zurburg創辦,對於環保設計甚至有了一個這樣的口號:「Denk Groen Doe Goren」(Think Green Act Green)。每一張多彩性及看似童趣的郵票上都是一個環境問題,除此之外,比起印上政治人物臉孔的郵票,收到信件上貼著這麼可愛的郵票也會覺得快樂許多吧(哈)。
The Fun Theory / Installation 裝置
《The Fun Theory》是Volkswagen Sweden與廣告公司DDB Stockholm合作舉辦的一項活動。這個宣傳活動基於一個簡單的理念–如果所有事情都能充滿趣味,人們會更樂意改變自己的行為。因此,活動在為人們指出Volkswagen環保型汽車產品的優點同時,也為他們帶來了歡樂。
LIVE IT UP studio was established to convince people to come together to share music, everything you like and especially some "green" ideas, then get inspired.